Project development Funding – The first step for businesses that want to save energy and improve their businesses competitive edge is to identify where the opportunities exist in the building or process.
See below for some of the supports available

Enterprise Ireland Climate Action Voucher –
The Climate Action Voucher is available to eligible companies to access up to 2 days independent technical or advisory services support related to the current and future operations of their business. The voucher covers either technical or advisory services related to the Operations of the business from an approved service provider up to a value of €1,800.

Enterprise Ireland GreenStart –
The aim of the GreenStart assignment is to improve environmental performance through greater resource efficiency helping companies achieve competitive advantage and greater market share through enhanced credentials and cost savings. Projects may vary in scope from implementing a structured environmental management and reporting system to understanding the carbon or environmental footprint of products or services.

Enterprise Ireland GreenPlus
A GreenPlus project is a medium-scale training project facilitated/supported by an external environmental expert. The aim of the funding is assist the company to develop a high level of environmental management capabilities, drive environmental efficiencies and achieve improved sustainability by establishing and embedding continuous improvement systems and behaviours.

Enterprise Ireland Strategic Consultancy Grant –
Under Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) (2021-2026), projects supporting the digital and climate transition of enterprises are being funded through the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. This covers projects that will facilitate emissions reductions, and must be to develop an organisational carbon reduction roadmap. Large companies are not eligible for other strategic assignments under Strategic Consultancy Grant.

Support Scheme for Energy Audits (SSEA) –
SEAI’s Support Scheme for Energy Audits (SSEA) includes a €2,000 voucher towards the cost of a high quality energy audit. In most cases, this will cover the total cost of the audit.
Local Enterprise Office Energy Efficiency Grant –
The Energy Efficiency Grant supports the investment in technologies and equipment of enterprises following on from a Green for Micro/Business Report, GreenStart Report or a SEAI Energy Audit with 50% of eligible costs from a minimum grant of €1,000 to a maximum of €5,000. The aim of the scheme is to reduce the impact of enterprises on the environment thereby increasing the agility and resilience of these businesses.
Local Enterprise Office Green for Business –
Green for Business is a FREE programme that helps small businesses take the first step towards becoming more sustainable, giving them access to a green consultant who’ll show them the small changes that can have a big impact in their company.
Developing a ‘greener’ policy can offer many benefits to your business, including:
- Increased cost savings
- Improved resource efficiency (for example: using less energy, water, and materials)
- Reduced environmental footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
- Opportunities for higher and additional value on products and services
- Increased access to customers, improved corporate image and reputation.
- Increased resilience to climate change impacts
Sproule Energy Consulting30 Kevinsfort Heath, Strandhill Rd., Sligo, F91 XDOX
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+353 87 2496328